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최신 AI 기반 OCR
최신 AI 기반 OCR 기술을 사용해 몇 분 안에 이미지 PDF를 편집 가능한 Word 문서로 변환합니다.

만족스러운 사용자들의 말씀

Reddit user:djdefenda

"Best one I've used so far - had to split a few words, and then re-arrange a couple paragraphs but other than that it worked well, really appreciate not having to sign up and jump thru the normal hoops, thank you"

Reddit user: boukaree

"Have been searching for hours most of the tools only convert the pdf of nimages into a doc of nimages this tool nailed sure it needed an edits and small correction but overall its a good website"

"If you are working with a text-based PDF, PDFocr will shine through brilliantly. PDFocr uses OCR, or optical character recognition, technology to extract contents from a PDF. "

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